Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It has been a long while

I am sorry I have left this blog to gather dust. I have big dreams for this blog, but in order for me to see those dreams become a reality I have to educate myself a little more. I need to sit down and plan video blogs and create them around a theme.

This takes some time that I don't yet have but I will find it eventually.

Sign classes started back up last night. It was great I thoroughly enjoy every minute of it. Im so excited to learn more and be able to be fluent in sign one of these days.

In the mean time we are dealing with the process of getting Becca boo into school. I dont want to touch to much on that until I have all the details.

I will post a update about the school process in the next two weeks.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

The FM system has arrived!

If I knew how to do a cartwheel I would be doing them, or if I knew how to do a back flip I would be doing those too!

I had some expectations of the FM system. I knew with out question that it would help with speech and Becca's development. I had never expected what I got today.

My husband came home at about 9:30 in the morning with Becca's new ears and FM system. Becca was sitting at the dining room table. Rob showed her the new hearing aids and put them in for her, he then went into the kitchen and spoke into the mic on the transmitter. He said

"Hi Becca Becca! I love you!"

I was watching Becca's face. She got the biggest grin on her face and her eyes smiled with her she reached up to touch both her ears and said "Hi Dadda! I Uv Yoo!"

At that point i started bawling. I have so much to share with you all. At the moment Kaylee bug is demanding I cuddle her.

Love from
Jamie Marie

Sunday, November 7, 2010


My girls are sick. My poor Kaylee bug can not breath out of her nose and so she couldn't sleep. Friday night I was sleep deprived and getting annoyed because I so deeply desired some sleep. Kaylee looked at me and rubbed her face into my shoulder and whimpered, all annoyances went away at that moment. I sat up with her all night getting her to fall asleep and then she would wake up 15 minutes later. Even though dealing with a sick baby is never fun because you cant make them better soon enough, its still one of the sweetest moments holding them in your arms through the night. These moments don't last long. They are not this small for long.

Please forgive the lack of videos for now. I will create more once I am over the sniffles too.

Jamie Marie.

Ps. Huge thanks to my husband who stayed up all night with Kaylee on Thursday. We make a great team.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Becca's FM system will be here next week! She also needed to get new amps and new ear molds. Her new amps are purple and her ear molds will be purple with white swirls.

I am so beyond excited!

Today might be a big day

Today is the day that Becca's FM system might finally be ordered! Its a big deal and I can not wait for her to have one! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My turning point

Do you remember how I mentioned we would talk about cochlear implants on a later date? Well I think I am ready to talk about it now.

You see cochlear implants are a very controversial topic in the deaf and hard of hearing community. Even though Becca doesn't qualify for them now and perhaps never will, I have always wanted a plan if the time should come that she will need them. Its something that I don't feel we should be standing around twiddling our thumbs over thinking :oh should we do it? I don't know what do you think?: blah blah blah. I wanted it to be a solid yes or no.

Here is where we where split.

I was against it. Here is my reason. I love Becca for everything that she is and one thing that she is, is deaf. Its who she is and I love that about her. She isn't broken. I didn't want to make such a massive decision for her that I didn't think should be my choice. The deeper more raw reason is. I didn't want her to one day look at me and say or feel "Mom why couldn't you just accept the fact that I was born deaf?" Why did you feel the need to fix me."
When I look at my daughter I cant begin to explain the massive pride I feel over her. I don't want to change her.

Rob is for it. He has never hesitated on his answer.

Becca loves music. When she hears something she likes she throws her hands up in the hair and rocks out to it. She tries to sing though nothing she is singing makes sense its all just babble...though still its soo very cute.

This evening as we where driving home she was rocking out to the radio. Rob turned to me and said "see this is why I would get her the implants, she loves music and sounds too much to let her go on not hearing them."

I looked at her just enjoying her self and trying hard to sing along to the music and I thought...yea we will do everything we possibly can to make sure that she always has the gift of sound.
This was a huge turning point for me. I'm not sure if cochlear implants will ever be in our future, but if the day should come that we have the choice to make then I can say it would be a good choice for her.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Boo Gos to school?!

Have you ever felt taken by surprise but not in a good way? Like someone you trusted to take care of you for a little bit, randomly out of the blue punches you in your gut with fist of steel?

That is how I felt last week, and how I am feeling now. Becca's speech therapist that comes to the house told me last week that she no longer see's children at the age of three and that Rainbows no longer does as well. She said that Becca will have to go to school.

WHAT WHAT WHAT? My 3 year old going to school in a class room setting? Are you kidding me? Shes going to be 3 in March. How can she, or better yet me, be ready for her to attend school?
I feel sick to my stomach over this. In my gut I know that this is the best thing for her. She is going to be around other children in her age group so she will pick up lots of awesome new things...but holy cow! I don't want the school years to come soooo soon! I want to keep her home with me, where I get to enjoy how awesome and wonderful she is...I dont share very well.

So in a blink...while I was still left speechless the therapist scheduled a meeting for us to set up Becca's IEP ( Individual education plan ) so we can decide what we feel would be best for her in a class room setting... Again. I was left speechless. Me? ME decide what is best for her in a class room setting? I wanted to scream you do realize I am a completely hearing adult right? How am I going to know what would be best for her in a classroom setting? I am not and never have been deaf! She needs the tools given to her from people who are experienced in this. Shouldnt this be someones job to educate the parents on what their child could possibly need in their school year? Shouldn't someone tell us what to expect? I Have no idea what her hearing world is like, I can only guess at it. I am not willing to guess on her needs in school. I want to give her every advantage she needs to thrive and succeed in her school year.

This is something that has me all out of sorts. I will get it straightened out and smoothed out before the meeting on the 29th of next month. At the moment I just feel blind sided. I know it will work out to be something amazing and great. I was not ready yet...I am not ready yet.

Signed the frantic crazy
Jamie Marie