Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Boo Gos to school?!

Have you ever felt taken by surprise but not in a good way? Like someone you trusted to take care of you for a little bit, randomly out of the blue punches you in your gut with fist of steel?

That is how I felt last week, and how I am feeling now. Becca's speech therapist that comes to the house told me last week that she no longer see's children at the age of three and that Rainbows no longer does as well. She said that Becca will have to go to school.

WHAT WHAT WHAT? My 3 year old going to school in a class room setting? Are you kidding me? Shes going to be 3 in March. How can she, or better yet me, be ready for her to attend school?
I feel sick to my stomach over this. In my gut I know that this is the best thing for her. She is going to be around other children in her age group so she will pick up lots of awesome new things...but holy cow! I don't want the school years to come soooo soon! I want to keep her home with me, where I get to enjoy how awesome and wonderful she is...I dont share very well.

So in a blink...while I was still left speechless the therapist scheduled a meeting for us to set up Becca's IEP ( Individual education plan ) so we can decide what we feel would be best for her in a class room setting... Again. I was left speechless. Me? ME decide what is best for her in a class room setting? I wanted to scream you do realize I am a completely hearing adult right? How am I going to know what would be best for her in a classroom setting? I am not and never have been deaf! She needs the tools given to her from people who are experienced in this. Shouldnt this be someones job to educate the parents on what their child could possibly need in their school year? Shouldn't someone tell us what to expect? I Have no idea what her hearing world is like, I can only guess at it. I am not willing to guess on her needs in school. I want to give her every advantage she needs to thrive and succeed in her school year.

This is something that has me all out of sorts. I will get it straightened out and smoothed out before the meeting on the 29th of next month. At the moment I just feel blind sided. I know it will work out to be something amazing and great. I was not ready yet...I am not ready yet.

Signed the frantic crazy
Jamie Marie

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