Saturday, October 30, 2010

My turning point

Do you remember how I mentioned we would talk about cochlear implants on a later date? Well I think I am ready to talk about it now.

You see cochlear implants are a very controversial topic in the deaf and hard of hearing community. Even though Becca doesn't qualify for them now and perhaps never will, I have always wanted a plan if the time should come that she will need them. Its something that I don't feel we should be standing around twiddling our thumbs over thinking :oh should we do it? I don't know what do you think?: blah blah blah. I wanted it to be a solid yes or no.

Here is where we where split.

I was against it. Here is my reason. I love Becca for everything that she is and one thing that she is, is deaf. Its who she is and I love that about her. She isn't broken. I didn't want to make such a massive decision for her that I didn't think should be my choice. The deeper more raw reason is. I didn't want her to one day look at me and say or feel "Mom why couldn't you just accept the fact that I was born deaf?" Why did you feel the need to fix me."
When I look at my daughter I cant begin to explain the massive pride I feel over her. I don't want to change her.

Rob is for it. He has never hesitated on his answer.

Becca loves music. When she hears something she likes she throws her hands up in the hair and rocks out to it. She tries to sing though nothing she is singing makes sense its all just babble...though still its soo very cute.

This evening as we where driving home she was rocking out to the radio. Rob turned to me and said "see this is why I would get her the implants, she loves music and sounds too much to let her go on not hearing them."

I looked at her just enjoying her self and trying hard to sing along to the music and I thought...yea we will do everything we possibly can to make sure that she always has the gift of sound.
This was a huge turning point for me. I'm not sure if cochlear implants will ever be in our future, but if the day should come that we have the choice to make then I can say it would be a good choice for her.

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